christian Faculty Network
We as a Christian faculty know Jesus Christ personally, believe Jesus Christ’s claims are intellectually tenable, and encourage others to investigate the claims of Jesus Christ.
Mission Statement
The Purpose of the Christian Faculty Network at TAMU is to glorify Jesus Christ by enriching the ideological diversity of the university community with the Christian world-view. The 250+ Christian faculty of the CFN seek to:
- Model excellence in their teaching, research, and service.
- Establish friendships.
- Facilitate integration of their Christian faith into their professional lives.
- Promote thoughtful dialogue concerning the meaning and purpose of life.
- Help interested faculty, staff, and students find a life-transforming personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
- The various activities of the Christian Faculty Network are open to all members of the university community without regard to religion, race, or gender.
Statement of Belief
The Christian Faculty Network at Texas A&M University is committed to presenting a unified Christian testimony, indicating that we Christian faculty know Jesus Christ personally, believe Jesus Christ’s claims are intellectually tenable, and encourage others to investigate the claims of Jesus Christ. In particular, we believe in:
- The Deity of Jesus Christ
- The necessity and efficacy of the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ for the redemption of the world, and the historic fact of His bodily resurrection
- The presence and power of the Holy Spirit in the work of regeneration
- The unique divine inspiration, entire trustworthiness, and authority of the Bible
- The expectation of the personal return of Jesus Christ
Message to Students
We are a group of professors, instructors, lecturers, and administrators united by our common experience that Jesus Christ provides intellectually and spiritually satisfying answers to life’s most important questions. We are available to students, faculty, and staff who might like to discuss such questions with us.
- Past speakers (with video links) include:
- 2024 Molly Worthen (UNC), Lorien Foote (TAMU), video
- 2023 Sean McDowell (Biola), Matthew Vess (TAMU), video
- 2022, Karen Swallow Prior (SEBTS), video
- 2021, J.P. Moreland (Talbot School of Theology), Dr. Robert Garcia (Baylor), video
- 2020, Michael Behe (Lehigh), Joshua Swamidass (Washington University – St. Louis), video here
- 2019, Robin Collins (Messiah College), Joel Velasco (Texas Tech), video, audio; Tony Reinke (Desiring God), audio; Gloria Frost (University of St. Thomas), audio
- 2018, J. Budziszewski, UT Austin, video here
- 2017: Andra Gillespie, Emory University, video here.
- 2016: John Lennox, Oxford University, video here.
- 2015: James Tour, Rice University, video here
- 2013: William Lane Craig, Talbot School of Theology, video here
- 2012: Os Guiness, Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, video here
Mays Faculty & Staff Prayer Time
Event Time: Fridays (08:30 AM to 09:30 AM)
Event Location: Wehner 205
To help keep our focus where it should be, to encourage one another, and to join together to lift up our prayer requests, we’ll resume our bi-weekly devotional/prayer time every other Friday at 8:30-9:00 AM in Wehner 205.
Here are the dates in Fall 2024 when we’ll be meeting:
Sept. 6
Sept. 20
Oct. 4
Oct. 25
Nov. 8
Nov. 22
Dec. 6
Faculty & Staff Bible Study
Event Time: Every other Wednesday (12:15 PM to 1:15 PM)
Event Location: Rudder Tower room 701 on Sep 11, Rudder Tower 407 for the rest of the year
Email Scott Waltemyer at swaltemyer [at] tamu.edu to get onto the mailing list!
Endeavor Conference
April 10, 2025CFN will host its 4th annual Endeavor Conference on Faith, Life, and Work.
When: Apr 10, 2025, noon-2 pm, come & go sessions.
Where: MSC 2406A.
Format: Bring your own lunch/brownbag. Water and snacks provided by CFN.
Contact Us
Lorien Foote
Professor, History
Micah Green
Past President
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Barbara Holl
Administrative Assistant